The Spielberg produced movie 'Super 8' was a little short off a good film in my opinion. The film lacked substance and the thin story line was very predictable. After the train crash an figure of authority comes to warn the human race that there is a danger and they must be careful. Yawn, heard it all before.
Take nothing away from the young actors such as: Joel Courtney who played the main character Joe lamb, Elle fanning who played Alice Dainard and the geeky clan of young actors were vibrant and witty. however not even the bright young sparks could draw me away from how dull the and predictable the storyline was. With the title being named 'Super 8' a lot more reference should have been made to what it actually was. Forgive me for being harsh but it didn't feel like it was set in 1979 other than the over obvious retro cars.
Good points about this film; the 50 million dollar explosions did help the film get along and keep the audience excited and even at times at the edge of there seats. The male gaze of Amanda Michalka drew the young teenagers into the story a lot more. Again the acting of the youngsters was next to nothing, sticking to the stereotype 'geeks save the day' theme. Also the back story of the death of Joe Lamb's mother was quite interesting and it also helped us sympathise the young boy throughout the film as he continuously clashed with his father.
The real question we have to ask ourselves is the originality of this film. Monsters, small town in America being hid the truth, a romance and gang of children it's simply all been done before in one way or another. 'The Goonies' 'ET' and 'Stand by me' are all great films and also great examples of the lack of originality the film offered.
Overall i would giver 'Super 8' half of that. A resounding 4 out of 10. It's something i wouldn't want to waste money on and i could of really wrote myself.
Reece Charles 'Bouss' Jones.