Monday, 21 November 2011

Lighting Techniques

This image is a classic example of what we call film nior, a term used to describe the stylish side to Hollywood crimes in a movie. This was mainly popular in 1940's & 1950's. The idea was a low key lighting, black and white and a sense of ambiguity of certain characters. This can also be used with harsh lighting to create a shadow on the character as shown in the image which is also known as chiaroscuro.
The use use of the high key lighting and low key in the same seen could connote a double side to this character, with his hate being down shows a sense of mystery to the audience. His dark coloured clothing and the prop of a cigarette suggests to us that he is not the kindest of characters and is related to some sort of crime. Most of this is told to us simply by the chiaroscuro lighting effect.
The dark lighting in the background gives the a negative atmosphere also re-enforcing the idea of crime and negativity.

Rihanna Commercial

The 1 minute 46 second commercial has a variety of lighting techniques. The first thing we instantly see is that it is set in a car park. The low key lighting suggests a sense of sense and ambiguity. This is also re-enforced as the commercial is clearly filmed in black and white.
The low key lighting in the back of the car again gives a sense of mystery for the audience wondering who this person in my back is. There are some brief flashes of light on the company 'Armarni Jeans' symbol in the car, advertising the item of clothing being put on and also brief flashes of light on key sexual parts of her body such as the breasts and legs of the character.. Once this person has got out the car and the face is revealed the light is chanced and becomes a slightly higher key light effect on this persons face emphasizing the fact that it is none other than the amazing, multi- talented & sexual appealing Rihanna.

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